On Paintball Accuracy

The secret to understanding paintball accuracy is CONSISTENCY!

This involves having a consistent paintball marker and most importantly consistent muscle memory.

Your paintball gun is relatively easy to make consistent. Use compressed air with a good regulator and a high flow valve. Use a multi-bore barrel kit to fit any paint, or buy paint that is a good fit to the barrel you own. When you’re buying paint, consider whether the extra $5 is worth having a round ball with an evenly distributed fill, or saving $5 and buying the other stuff. Sure this takes money and time, but if you come to Danbury Paintball Sports Headquarters, we will let you know what  the best upgrades are on your budget, and provide them at competitive prices.

Consistency of muscle memory takes a lot more work. Tuning and timing an autococker, perhaps the most time consuming procedure in marker teching history, is nothing compared to the number of repetitions, at different angles and distances, that you need to perform and teach your muscles to acquire accuracy perfection.

The eventual goal is to combine the consistency of your marker with the consistency of your bodies muscle memory to instantly acquire and hit a target, without thinking about it. True consistency will allow you to know exactly where that ball is going when it leaves the barrel, and properly adjust your line of fire compared to previous shots, subconsciously.

Play safe, play fair, play hard, but most importantly, play smart.


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